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Lists and columns used by Sintel Forms

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When you add Sintel Forms to a site and then enable it on a list a number of changes are made to that SharePoint site. A number of columns are added to the list and a number of other lists are added to the site. The number of columns added to your list and the number of new lists created is dependent on the features of Sintel Forms that you use.

Sintel do not recommend making changes to the columns or lists that are created by our Sintel Forms app as doing so can break features or lead to unexpected behavior.

Columns Added

  1. SintelFormsStatusId
    This stores a GUID representing the statuses you have configured within a workflow in the Sintel Forms Designer.
  2. SintelFormsStatus
    This stores the name of the statuses you have configured within a workflow in the Sintel Forms Designer.
  3. SintelFormsExternalData
    This field is only used if External Collaboration is enabled with External Submissions OR External Sharing is used to grant users access to the form. In both cases, this field will store the email address and the display name of those external users.
  4. SintelFormsExternalEditor
    Similar to the previous field, this field is only used if External Collaboration is enabled with External Submissions OR External Sharing is used to grant users access to the form. In both cases, if an external user modifies the form then this field will store the email address and display name of the external user.
  5. SintelFormsWorkflowData
    This field stores the workflow history of your form. This data was previously stored in a list titled “SintelFormsWorkflow_GUID” but this list has now been deprecated and the workflow history is now stored in a field in the list. This field stores up to 63,999 characters.
  6. SintelFormsWorkflowDataExt
    This field is only used if the SintelFormWorkflowData field exceeds its maximum length of 63,999 characters. In reality, this is unlikely to occur unless you have a very complex workflow with a large number of statuses and actions.


Lists Added

  1. SintelFormsSettingsv2
    This stores the configuration of all instances of Sintel Forms on the site including the settings, layout, workflow and logic.
  2. SintelFormsChat_GUID
    If you enable the Conversations feature in the Sintel Forms Designer then this list will be created to store those conversations. For every form in which you enable the conversations feature, a Chat list will be created.
  3. SintelFormsWorkflow_GUID (deprecated) see more
    If you enable the Workflow feature in the Sintel Forms Designer then a list will be created to store the progress of your workflow (the history of status changes, actions taken, and comments added). For each form you enable the workflow feature on, a list will be created and the GUID part will be replaced by the internal GUID of the particular list. If you configure Sintel Forms with Workflow on 2 lists then you will have 2 workflow lists.
  4. SintelFormsSignatures
    This hidden library is used to store the signature images of action assignees.


Any user that you wish to permit to use the Conversations features on a form needs to have “Contribute” access to the Chat list for that particular form, ideally “Contribute No Delete” access if that permission level is set up. Granting users access to the Workflow list is not required as the items in this list are created by the Sintel Forms App.
If you are using external automation (such as Power Automate) in conjunction with Sintel Forms, you need to be aware of the structure of the workflow history. If you are reading the workflow history, you need to look it up in both the SintelFormsWorkflowData and SintelFormsWorkflowDataExt columns. We recommend you concatenate these two columns to retrieve the full workflow history of an item as a JSON string. If the value is empty (and only then), you need to check in the historical SintelFormsWorkflow_<guid> list for data that existed before the change of the process.

If you are altering the workflow externally, e.g. simulating actions, please contact us for advice.

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